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Moral Courage
Which one of us would fail to respond enthusiastically to the courage of heroes, who in moments of grave danger, risk their lives to...

Pleasure and the Saint
Ambiguity is the cause of many philosophical errors. One clear example is Aristotle’s claim that all things desire the good. Apart from...

Willful Blindness
One of the episodes in the Gospel that has always moved me particularly is the story of the blind man of Jericho: upon hearing that Christ..

Flaws in Our Icons
In every society there are icons: some people who because of their talents, their personality, or their successes have become role models...

Long Live Bareness
The trial Jewish women dreaded most was barrenness. To be unable to conceive was considered not only tragic but also shameful. Let us...

Human Demotion, Supernatural Promotion
Deeply grieved by the death of a great and most lovable spiritual leader, Father Benedict Groeschel, we should not forget that he has not...

In Defense of Feeling
Anyone acquainted with the history of philosophy knows that many of the great thinkers have looked down upon feelings. Fleeting...

Joseph's Tears
The one character in the Old Testament that stands out as an unmistakable figure of Christ is Joseph, Jacob's son by his beloved Rachel...

Recalling a Hero
How easily do we forget! How easily heroes, who should be our role models for today, are classified in historical documents, which we file..

The Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, Part II
Pierre Macq, Rector of the Catholic University of Louvain (CUL), claims that the University is not in conflict with the Catholic Church...

Mary, Queen of Widows
Mary is the gem of God’s creation. For God made great things in her ("quia fecit in me magna qui potens est"). She has been honored as...
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