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Yes, It Can Be Wrong to be Judgmental
The changes in the liturgy since Vatican II are so striking that many of my lapsed-Catholic friends who recently have started to attend...
Reverence: the Mother of All Virtues
One of the many ethical gems that Plato has left us is to be found in his last work: The Laws—a work alas often neglected by scholars...
Have You Forgotten the Sacramentals?
Someone close to me, noticing that I was wearing a scapular, exclaimed with a mixture of pity and contempt, “I did not know that you were...
Classical Catholic Food
If anyone asked me, “What is the book on the spiritual life that you would recommend not only to beginners, but also to people who have...
Can Women Sing with a Bass Voice?
Our Holy Father has appointed a commission to examine whether or not women should be granted the diaconate. The question I raise is: Is it..
Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, Part I
Belgium is a small country whose geographical location led to her involvement in many European wars. Her climate is mild, and her rich...
Kierkegaard and the Contemporary Crisis
A perusal of Kierkegaard’s works is bound to strike the contemporary man with wonder: not only did the great Danish thinker pre-live the...
Right and Wrong Ways to Influence People
Influence is an important dimension of communion between persons. The fact that one person can exert an influence on another is an...
Personalist Responds to Critic of Paul VI
John Galvin's article (The Latin Mass magazine, spring 2002) is bound to baffle many faithful Catholics who view Humanae Vitae as the...
Classroom Conversion
Not long ago, in my "Introduction to Philosophy" course, I was discussing truth. I gave my students the classical argument against...
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