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Two Key Words of Human Existence: Love the Lovable and Hate the Hateful
Recently I was told that a particular cardinal enjoys great popularity; “He gets along with everybody.” This was meant as a compliment...

True Charity and Wishy-Washy Softness
To love another person is to respond to his beauty and value (whether it is his ontological value as a child of God or whether it is a...

Love and Friendship
There is a type of love which is possible only between man and woman and usually leads to marriage–a relationship characterized by the...

The Gift of Friendship
Which one of us would not agree with Schiller who, in his Ode to Joy, writes that he who leaves this earth without ever having had a real...

Right and Wrong Ways to Influence People
Influence is an important dimension of communion between persons. The fact that one person can exert an influence on another is an...
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