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Women and Redemption
Any reverent reading of Genesis sheds abundant light on the key role played by women in the economy of redemption. She was created last...
Moral Courage
Which one of us would fail to respond enthusiastically to the courage of heroes, who in moments of grave danger, risk their lives to...
A Plea: Back to Socratic Paganism
In the wake of Vatican II, the Church found herself in a state of turmoil. Everything was challenged; everything was put up for grabs....
Benedict and Dietrich
When, after fifteen years of voluntary exile, Dietrich von Hildebrand managed to come back to his beloved Munich in 1948, there was much...
Thank you, Benedict XVI
The world woke up to the news that on February 28th, 2013 at 8 p.m. the Throne of Peter will be vacant. The response was shock and...
Pleasure and the Saint
Ambiguity is the cause of many philosophical errors. One clear example is Aristotle’s claim that all things desire the good. Apart from...
Yes, It Can Be Wrong to be Judgmental
The changes in the liturgy since Vatican II are so striking that many of my lapsed-Catholic friends who recently have started to attend...
The Art of Helping
When one reaches a certain age, one becomes increasingly dependent on the help and kindness of others—whether family, friends, or...
Two Key Words of Human Existence: Love the Lovable and Hate the Hateful
Recently I was told that a particular cardinal enjoys great popularity; “He gets along with everybody.” This was meant as a compliment...
Reverence: the Mother of All Virtues
One of the many ethical gems that Plato has left us is to be found in his last work: The Laws—a work alas often neglected by scholars...
Should Abortion or Other Social Concerns Have Priority?
The moral gravity of abortion is not perceived by many "Catholics" and is so serious an issue that it tragically divides the sons and...
Willful Blindness
One of the episodes in the Gospel that has always moved me particularly is the story of the blind man of Jericho: upon hearing that Christ..
True Charity and Wishy-Washy Softness
To love another person is to respond to his beauty and value (whether it is his ontological value as a child of God or whether it is a...
Flaws in Our Icons
In every society there are icons: some people who because of their talents, their personality, or their successes have become role models...
Long Live Bareness
The trial Jewish women dreaded most was barrenness. To be unable to conceive was considered not only tragic but also shameful. Let us...
Human Demotion, Supernatural Promotion
Deeply grieved by the death of a great and most lovable spiritual leader, Father Benedict Groeschel, we should not forget that he has not...
Training, Information, Education: Treacherous Labels
Our indebtedness to Plato is great for having left us magnificent insights as to the meaning and purpose of education. A worthy son and...
Hell is the place where love is banished. Understandably, the Evil One not only loathes the very word, but moreover, animated by his...
Pagans or Apostates?
He who aims at changing society—-for good or for evil—knows that he should gain control over three things: education, news media, and...
Subjectivism Opens the Door to Relativism
The older I get, the more dissatisfied I am with the labels that historians of philosophy paste on thinkers’ back. Granted that it greatly..
The Caricature of Democracy
In our culture, the word “democracy” has been granted a dignity that rivals the one that used to be granted to Gospel truths. To be...
Have You Forgotten the Sacramentals?
Someone close to me, noticing that I was wearing a scapular, exclaimed with a mixture of pity and contempt, “I did not know that you were...
In Defense of Discrimination
Years ago, the word “discrimination” was primarily used to make intelligent distinctions. A discriminating person was one capable of...
Classical Catholic Food
If anyone asked me, “What is the book on the spiritual life that you would recommend not only to beginners, but also to people who have...
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