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Flaws in Our Icons
In every society there are icons: some people who because of their talents, their personality, or their successes have become role models...

The Caricature of Democracy
In our culture, the word “democracy” has been granted a dignity that rivals the one that used to be granted to Gospel truths. To be...

Platonism: An Atrium to Christianity
One of the marks of a truly great philosopher is his or her concern with crucial questions. Many a thinker is tempted to devote his or her..

Holy Discrimination
Up to some forty years ago, the word "discrimination" had a positive ring. A discriminating person was someone who was subtle, capable of...

What is True Compassion for the Person with Homosexual Tendencies?
About six months ago Phil Donahue devoted his show to the fashionable topic of homosexuality. Donahue's guests included the outstanding...

Personalist Responds to Critic of Paul VI
John Galvin's article (The Latin Mass magazine, spring 2002) is bound to baffle many faithful Catholics who view Humanae Vitae as the...
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