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In Defense of Feeling
Anyone acquainted with the history of philosophy knows that many of the great thinkers have looked down upon feelings. Fleeting...

Joseph's Tears
The one character in the Old Testament that stands out as an unmistakable figure of Christ is Joseph, Jacob's son by his beloved Rachel...

Can Women Sing with a Bass Voice?
Our Holy Father has appointed a commission to examine whether or not women should be granted the diaconate. The question I raise is: Is it..

The Disease of Irreverence
Many sicknesses are contagious; health is not. It is regrettable, but it is a fact. Since original sin, intellectual viruses have...

Love and Friendship
There is a type of love which is possible only between man and woman and usually leads to marriage–a relationship characterized by the...

The Eloquence of Silence
There is a Latin proverb worth meditating upon: si tacuises philosophus manssises (if you had remained silent, you would have remained a...

The Gift of Friendship
Which one of us would not agree with Schiller who, in his Ode to Joy, writes that he who leaves this earth without ever having had a real...

The Saints and Offenses
Alas, rare are those among us that have never been offended by our fellow men. The most fortunate are usually those who are in the...

Unethical Ethics
The market is flooded with textbooks on ethics. Having taught this subject for many years in a secular university, I have been struck by...

Recalling a Hero
How easily do we forget! How easily heroes, who should be our role models for today, are classified in historical documents, which we file..

The Moral Weight of Words
Man's nobility and greatness are expressed by his capacity to use words that enable him to communicate with his neighbors. One of the...

Freedom of Conscience
A glance cast at the religious literature of the last decade will immediately reveal the emphasis laid on freedom of conscience. Never...

Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, Part I
Belgium is a small country whose geographical location led to her involvement in many European wars. Her climate is mild, and her rich...

The Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, Part II
Pierre Macq, Rector of the Catholic University of Louvain (CUL), claims that the University is not in conflict with the Catholic Church...

Truth or Panic
From the very moment of our birth, we have a tacit (if unconscious) awareness of the precariousness of our metaphysical situation....

Kierkegaard and the Contemporary Crisis
A perusal of Kierkegaard’s works is bound to strike the contemporary man with wonder: not only did the great Danish thinker pre-live the...

The Meaning and Purpose of Marriage
Prior to his conversion to the Catholic Church, Dietrich von Hildebrand already had a high idea of marriage; he deeply sensed its beauty...

Platonism: An Atrium to Christianity
One of the marks of a truly great philosopher is his or her concern with crucial questions. Many a thinker is tempted to devote his or her..

Holy Discrimination
Up to some forty years ago, the word "discrimination" had a positive ring. A discriminating person was someone who was subtle, capable of...

Aristotle: The Philosopher
One of the great contributions Aristotle has made to philosophy is his distinction between means and ends. This insight gives us a key to...

The War on Symbolism
According to Plato, "Any change except to eliminate an evil, is an evil." It is easy to caricature this assertion and label Plato a...

A Touch of Metaphysical Humor
“Freedom of choice” has conquered the heart of modern man. To him it signifies liberation from all mediaeval taboos that for centuries...

Tranquility or the Cross: The Dangerous Appeal of Buddhism
Innumerable men long to escape the waves of meaningless violence, and to some, Buddhism seems to offer a solution. It is associated with...

What is True Compassion for the Person with Homosexual Tendencies?
About six months ago Phil Donahue devoted his show to the fashionable topic of homosexuality. Donahue's guests included the outstanding...
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